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Mother, wife, explorer, crafter, teacher and lover of life.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Felt doll family, hair clippies, and night vision binoculars!

Happy Friday all! Who gets a 3 day weekend? I'm super jelly of all who do. But life's a weekend for the ol' troopleader isn't it? Today is a rare "what shall we do with today" day, as most of our days are pretty structured. Friday is normally Sunny's day at her BFF Ruby's house but Ruby and her mom are out of town this week. Mommy has a bit of work today then we can play!

For now, an assortment of fun.

First, the silly binoculars. Last night I was cleaning up and stopped to peer through the bright red cellophane wrapping of a discarded mini babybel cheese. You know the ones, the little round cheese wheels our kids love to open themselves and pretend the wax is pac-man (ok that's me, my kid has no idea who pac-man is). Lately I have been discarding a lot of babybel trash and was thinking I should come up with something to do with the wax and bits of pretty wrapping (it's a disease). The next thing you know,

I know, I know. Even the cat is like what the... but Sunny loves them. It changes the whole world! Now what to do with the pac-man wax? Hmmm...

Meanwhile, wanna see our family of felt dolls?


I salvaged a shallow cardboard box (a box lid would work great) and lined it with felt, then cut figures out of thin cardboard and glued oatmeal-hued felt to them (because apparently that is our skin tone) and then the fun part- making outfits! Sunny has the most. She has swimsuits and dresses and play shorts and we're working on a princess dress! Daddy has a few hats and mommy has dress up clothes too. I glued a bit of sandpaper on the back of each piece of clothing so it will stick to our porridge epidermi and voila! Oh the scenes we could do! We could do a beach or a forest or a grocery store! Have you noticed yet that I love felt?

Speaking of, you can use the leftover bits to make hair clippies!

This I have only tried once so far but it's really easy. I was inspired by a hair clip Ruby wears sometimes. It looks handmade and it's really cute. I thought, how easy that could be! So I used Ava's 3rd birthday as an excuse to try some out. I also made a couple of bow clips out of ribbon but I'm not satisfied with those yet. I couldn't find my hot glue gun so I actually sewed these onto the clips but once I find my gun, oh, it's on.

Clip a few to a handmade card and you've got an inexpensive but personal gift for the wee lasses in your life.

Ooh! I just thought of what we're doing today. Miniature shop, here we come! squeeee!

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