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Mother, wife, explorer, crafter, teacher and lover of life.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Oh sweet cathexis! I am currently crushing hard on terrariums. Sunny (3), Ruby (4) and I recently made some sweet little mini gardens. It was so fun and so easy! I can't wait to make another.

Here are the items needed to make your own.

Container - Glass is great because you can easily see into your garden and whether it needs water or not. You can get creative here. From mason jars to aquariums, there are many options. The containers can have lids or not, it's up to you. Since my obsession began I can't pass by the glassware section of any thrift store without checking for the perfect min-garden container.

Pebbles- After you clean your container thoroughly, the first thing that goes in is a layer of small rocks or pebbles. This is so water can drain and collect in the bottom. (Again, put your noggin to use. In place of pebbles you can use sea glass, marbles or any other small, water-proof item you want to use.)

Activated charcoal (optional)- You can find this at nurseries and pet stores. Put a half inch or so on top of your drainage layer to keep your garden aerated if you're working in a container with a lid. If your container is open it is, in my opinion, not necessary, though I believe some people do use it regardless.

Moss- Moss is one of my favorite things on earth. The texture, the vivid color, the loamy smell. I love it all. Add a layer of moss at this stage to keep soil from settling into your drainage layer. This is not bad for your terrarium, just an aesthetic issue. I love to be able to look into the side of my terrarium and see the distinct layers at work.

Potting soil- Now it's time to add your potting soil. Keep in mind how big your plants are to allow adequate room.

Plants- Now it's time to plant! Little ferns, ground cover, and any small plant that likes a humid environment is good for a terrarium. Give them space between to grow.

Charms- I love to add some whimsy to my mini gardens with little charms such as fairies, gnomes, etc. AGAIN with the endless possibilities! Oh I just want a terrarium in my pocket everywhere I go!

This is the one that currently sits on my desk. It makes me grin every time I look at it.


  1. How fun! I too love terrariums. They've been popping up in the design magazines and blogs. I get happy just seeing them in 2D, imagine if I had my very own!

    Looking forward to whatever future projects you share. I've always admired your creativity and way with words, so I'm sure I won't be disappointed.

  2. Thanks Laura! I like checking out your blog too! Strikes me how much we have in common as adults :)
