About Me

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Mother, wife, explorer, crafter, teacher and lover of life.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Hickory Dickory Dock

Mommy's off the clock!

We do have Ruby with us today but I've been enjoying working on my own projects, making some yummy chicken soup, dumpster diving and catching up on housework while they occupy themselves and each other. We did improvise when we were left twiddling our thumbs during a long wait in the car today by playing surreptitious spelling games. We have to be sneaky because if Sunny thinks she might be learning something she'll revolt. It simply pleases us to much and she can't have that.

"I spy" is pretty difficult when you're flying down the freeway or sitting in one place too long but by the time 4 people take turns thinking of words that start with every letter of the alphabet, you're home!

I would love to share my personal projects here too (mostly sewing and junk revival) but I hesitate to branch out from the kids/crafty niche because then I'll end up really hodge podging it. I never know when to stop. So I was thinking about the pages widget and I wondered if any other bloggers could explain it to me. I tried to use it but couldn't figure it out. If it is a way to attach pages of non-related information to the blog you can click on from my main page I would be very interested in using it.

Hope everyone is enjoying a nice, relaxing Sunday!

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