About Me

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Mother, wife, explorer, crafter, teacher and lover of life.

Monday, August 16, 2010

I Can Explain?

See, I told you I didn't have time for a blog! Alas the main time suck lately has been crafting but of a different variety than usual. I fell in love with making two gifty crafts that are super simple to make and just violently cute. First I just made them for my daughter but then I decided to make some for a few friends of hers celebrating birthdays this month and then it all snowballed into this late night mass production factory at my desk. At that point I had to justify my rather outlandish trips to the craft store for supplies and suggested to the hub that I might sell them. The next thing you know I have business cards on the way. what the...? I don't think this is how other people start businesses is it? We'll see how that goes. I know it's obnoxious that after making you read this paragraph I'm not going to share the nature of the craft-in-question but I shall. Just need to get a few more things in order. I'll even share with you how to make them and you can start your own little business! Or you know, you can buy one from me at a discount? You like? You buy 3?

What else? Oh a whole week of fun has transpired. There are so many things I want to share on my blog that I get overcome and post nothing. Shall I do a post first featuring all the simple recipes for amazing, revolutionary all-natural household cleaners and hair and skin care products? Or should the link-o-rama list come first of internet links to make your life easier, more inspiring and hilarious? Should I do the birthday party post now or later? In that one I hope to share photos and creative ideas from the kids birthday parties we've hosted or been part of. With Halloween approaching I am craving an entry on ideas revolving around that holiday and don't get me started on the winter holidays! Then there's my fixation on all things shabby kitsch for home decor. I have a whole google document devoted to photos and ideas I want to integrate into my house someday, as well as photos of projects I've actually applied to my present home. I can do an entry of tips and projects for beginner sewers from a fellow beginner sewer (can that be right? Sewer is spelled the same as sewer? ew. ewer.) Also, if you're local I have compiled a good list of places to go and things to see in the area, which are categorized based on cost. If you like camping I have a spreadsheet we can't live without that lists everything you could possibly need to pack, including if you have children and a dog, categorized as well. Well? I'm sincerely asking because my site meter tells me people are reading even if they aren't commenting. Get your lazy butt an account (it takes like 4 seconds) and tell me what I should post next. Perhaps you have a suggestion having nothing to do with any of this? Do tell.

Meanwhile, I have a question for you. Do you have a Cricut machine? Do you like it? Do you have the deep cut blade and do you know if it will cut felt? Thanks in advance scrappy people.

I have a lot of pictures and stories about the past week but my memory card is giving me problems and I have wasted too much time on OTHER people's blogs this morning so I may have to post another entry later today. Promise it won't be another week this time!

bugs and fishes!

Troopleader Jen


  1. I'm voting for, in no particular order: Birthday parties, Halloween, home decor, and beginning sewing tips. I'd wager that 'sewer' is why they typically call themselves seamstresses. I just bot a huge bolt of green ticking for $3 at the thrift store, so I'd love to find something to do with it.

    I have a cricut, but not the deep blade. I'm 67.8% sure that I've seen someone cut felt with it though. There are lots of great cricut sights out there. I like the Pink Stamper for videos though she's gone all commercial lately and isn't as good as she used to be. (www.mypinkstamper.com) I also like Everyday Cricut (http://www.cricutholiday.com/)

  2. Oh and bot should be bought. Not sure what was going on there. Too much character limiting on Twitter?
